How to Buy an Item on Hip?

To make a purchase, you'll need to create an account. Keep in mind that you'll need an account for each site (there is no account overlap between HipStamp, HipPostcard, and HipComic).

To sign up for an account:

Before you purchase an item:

  • Be sure to read over the description under the 'Details' tab. Details include important information to consider before purchasing.
  • You can find information about the shipping costs and methods under the 'Shipping' tab. Each individual seller decides how to ship their items. 
  • If you have a question about a listing or auction, you can reach out to the Seller directly by clicking the 'Question' tab on the listing page. 

When you’re ready to purchase, click 'Add to Cart' and then either 'Continue Shopping' to go back to the shop or 'View in Checkout' to place your purchase. In your shopping cart, click 'Proceed to Checkout.'

On the next page, you'll add your shipping address and select your payment method. You can pay using your PayPal account or using your credit or debit card. When you click 'Place Your Order,' a pop-up window should appear to prompt you to sign in to PayPal or add your credit or debit card details. 

All payments are processed via PayPal, but a PayPal account will generally not be needed to pay by credit or debit card.  

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