What are Hip's payment options?

Buyers can purchase on Hip with PayPal, Credit/Debit Cards, Check, or Money Order.

PayPal - Existing Account

If you want to pay by PayPal using an existing PayPal account, select PayPal as the payment method upon checkout. 

Credit/Debit Card (No PayPal Account)

Select “Credit or Debit Card” as the payment method upon checkout. A PayPal pop-up window will appear with a “Pay with a Debit or Credit Card” option at the bottom. This is the option that allows you to make a payment without logging in or creating an account on PayPal. You will then be redirected to a PayPal page where you can fill out your billing information.

Check or Money Order via Pay Later

Some sellers allow pre-approved buyers to pay for items after completing checkout, including paying by check or money order. To learn more about the Pay Later feature, please refer to:

How do I use the Pay-Later feature?

After submitting payment through PayPal, including when paying by Credit or Debit Card, the buyer will be directed back to a confirmation page on Hip. Both Hip and PayPal will send the buyer and seller an email confirmation of the transaction.

As a buyer, if you are purchasing from multiple sellers at once, you can check-out with up to 10 Sellers in a single transaction. Please note that shipping is calculated on a per-seller basis.

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