How do I add SKU or Private IDs to My Listings

A Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) is an essential tool to manage your inventory efficiently. It helps in identifying which specific item has been sold, which is crucial to avoid sending incorrect items to buyers. An SKU acts as a unique identifier for each item in your inventory.

How to add SKU to Your Listings

To add an SKU to your listings, you need to access the "Sell Your Item" (SYI) page on the platform where you are creating a new listing:

  1. Click on the "SELL" button located at the far right of the navigation menu at the top of the page, or click the applicable link:
  1. Under Preferences, look for the field labeled "Private ID (SKU)." Enter your specific SKU for the item in this field. Don't forget to save your settings.

Limitations with eBay Sync

If you're using the eBay sync feature, your Private IDs from eBay listings will not be automatically transferred to Hip. However, you can manually edit the listing and add the Private ID on Hip.

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