How-To: Use Bulk Lister - Advanced Usage

All Fields (Expert) Bulk Lister Template

All fields in which you can set while creating an item individually through the Sell Your Item process can also be set through the Bulk Lister. In general, we recommend that you start with one of the (Basic) templates, and then add any additional fields needed to the (Basic) template, which you can do by adding additional columns with the Field Names as defined within the Bulk Lister > Fields page:

For more details on Shipping Costs within your Bulk Lister CSV File, please see the How-To: Use Bulk Lister - Shipping Costs page.

Alternatively, you can also download the "All Fields (Expert)" template from the Bulk Lister page, which will include all possible fields; though we recommend that you delete any non-required fields which you intend to use your default settings for, as set up within your Members Area > Selling > Seller Tools > Default Listing Settings page.

Custom Field Mappings

One of the most powerful features of the Bulk Lister is Field Mapping, and our Field Mapping template system. With Field Mapping, you're not limited to using just Fields / Columns which we supply to you via our templates. Instead, you can use your own CSV file, with any column headings you would like. This is particularly useful if you export your inventory from other sources which have their own column headings already.

Basic Field Mappings

To use Custom Field Mappings, simply upload your custom CSV file as you would one of our templates, and select the "Default" Field Mapping template. On the next page, you will notice that next to each of our own fields, a drop-down menu will appear with all of the columns which were included in your CSV file. Simply select the corresponding column from your file which maps to our own fields.


You can upload a CSV file which includes a column labeled "Details" and map it to our "description" column. This will ensure that for each listing created, the value you specify in the "Details" column is used for our "description" field.

Default Field Values

In addition to selecting your own columns from your Bulk Lister CSV file, you can also specify specific values for any field, to overwrite your Default Listing Settings. To specify a specific value for a field, enter in your value in the text box to the right of the drop-down menu,


Here, we specify the "Listing Type" to be set to "auction" for every listing to be created from the Bulk Lister CSV file.

Custom Fields Values & Multi-Column Mappings

Here's where it gets really interesting! Each of your Columns will be assigned a "Column Name", which will generally be in the following format:


You can review the exact "Column Name" generated by clicking on any drop-down box and reviewing how the column name is displayed, and then surrounding it by two curly brackets. Alternatively, when you select any column from the drop-down menu, the column name will be copied into the corresponding text box to the right of the drop-down menu which you can then copy. Why is this interesting? This allows you to combine multiple columns into single fields! Check out the examples below:


Here, we specify the "name" to be set a combination of several columns which are contained within our CSV file.

Here we build a URL to where our images are located online, based upon free text and one of our columns from our CSV file.

Pro Tip: Search and Replace

All text boxes within the Bulk Lister Field Mapping page support the following notation (must use double quotes):


So for example, let's say your {{Quantity}} column contains the number 500 for all items you actually have 0 of. While you could change this in your CSV file, you can also replace 500 with 0 from within the Bulk Lister by entering:


into the text box for our "quantity" column.

Saving a Template

Once you've set your Field Mappings up accordingly, you can save your Field Mapping as a template to use again in the future. Just fill in a name for your template within the "Save Settings" box before you click on the blue "Save and Process File" button. 

Then, when you next go to the Bulk Lister, on the first page where you upload your file, your template will appear in the "Field Mapping Templates" drop-down box.

System Templates

From the first page of the Bulk Lister, the "Field Mapping Templates" drop-down box additionally comes preset with Field Mapping Templates for several other popular websites and export formats. If you see one we're missing - Contact Us and let us know!

Advanced Options

Advanced Option  Notes
Convert Ebay Categories  Check this option if your file contains Ebay category ids which need to be converted to ours. 
Convert Delcampe Categories  Check this option if your file contains Delcampe category ids which need to be converted to ours.
Update Entire Inventory  Close all active listings with Private IDs which are not included in this file. Use this option when you're uploading a CSV file with your entire inventory, and you want to add only new items, update any existing items (by Private ID) and remove any items no longer contained within your CSV file.
Full bidStart Inventory  Close all active listings with bidStart IDs which are not included in this file. Similar to Update Entire Inventory, but only affects/closes items which have bidStart IDs
Full Delcampe Inventory  Close all active listings with Delcampe IDs which are not included in this file. Similar to Update Entire Inventory, but only affects/closes items which have Delcampe IDs
Skip Updating Images  Check this option to ignore the "Images" field / values for any existing listings.

Example Use Cases

Keep Your Entire Inventory in Sync with Your Own Website

If you have your own website, an easy way to keep our site in sync with your inventory is to export your entire active inventory into a CSV file, build a Field Mapping template (if needed) and then use the Update Entire Inventory advanced option. Just ensure that each of your items has a Private ID. Then, once a week, or however often you would like, you can re-upload your entire active inventory via CSV file, using your Field Mapping template and the Update Entire Inventory advanced option, which will automatically add any new items you've since added to your own site, update any existing listings, and remove any listings no longer in your CSV file.

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